
Seven powers of the ego

I saw a ladybug lazing in the lemon balm. Seven-spotted ladybugs are symbolic of Mary Magdalene’s seven powers of the ego. As ego is an integral part of our divinely messy humanness, it is not about destroying the ego but rather understanding its desires and needs, then transforming them to bring more peace, Love, and… Continue reading Seven powers of the ego

HIP HIP HOORAY: The ouchy adventures of a tragic optimist – part I

January 2023 marked my initiation into a journey of increasingly relentless pain. An x-ray revealed osteoarthritis in both hips. The incongruence between where I was and where I wanted to be caused psychological distress. I began counselling to find peace with the fact walking, which once brought me so much joy, now caused me so… Continue reading HIP HIP HOORAY: The ouchy adventures of a tragic optimist – part I

Hell Yeah Self-Care!

Congratulations!  We made it through 2023. Further to the 32 day camping challenge which was the subject of my previous blogpost, the latter half of 2023 involved more 30 day mini adventures including: 30 days of headstands, 30 days of writing poetry, and 30 days of posting on Instagram. Rocktober was listening to a different… Continue reading Hell Yeah Self-Care!

5 Love Languages

What is the dominant language of love that you ‘speak’? According to researchers, the 5 languages are: acts of service, physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, and words of affirmation. Every personality has a preferred way to receive and give love. In order to build stronger relationships and minimise mis-communication, it makes sense to understand… Continue reading 5 Love Languages

How courageous are you?

Courage has been shown to ameliorate symptoms of low mental health, and can predict increased psychological wellbeing (Keller, 2016). But what does courage mean to you? The lion is usually a symbol of courage, although the lion in the photo looks more apologetic than courageous. I’m curious what he did (or perhaps didn’t do!) to… Continue reading How courageous are you?


Self-advocacy is the action of representing oneself or one’s views or interests. Oxford Languages dictionary Are you able to self-advocate and speak up for your needs? Do you even know what your needs are? According to, people with differences need to understand their needs, know what support will benefit them, and be able to… Continue reading Self-Advocacy

Spoon theory

Imagine that spoons represent your energy. You only have a finite number of spoons/energy to use each day and every morning begins with more or less spoons/energy for various reasons, including doing too much the previous day and using up the next day’s spoons. Each time you do anything, you lose at least one spoon,… Continue reading Spoon theory


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